The complete predictions of Year 2010 using 3 Variables [Earlier] 21 Jan 2010 @ 1044hrs
Please refer to the XIN.SG link below (Media Corp interactive Media) for the announcement:
High growth rate for Singapore Economy
Original text:
Commercial Economy: The global economy will undergo a drastic change this year (Year 2010), attempting to dispel the dark shadows of the financial crisis in the previous year. The local financial sector will achieve sterling performance results; under great competitive business environment, the banking sector continues to recruit new talents in order to allow them to capitalize on the new favorable conditions and realizing the opportunities.
The regional economy will achieve a great jump in its growth and all trades will flourish,especially for particularly for the commercial, enterprises and manufacturing sectors, among others. With the
local Government adopting proactive innovative measures and persevering, enterprises will see gradual improvement in their business results from the beginning of this year, and be rewarded with unprecedented great opportunities in development. (Own Prosperity Colors – White, Silver and Gold in the 1st half of the year; Green, Red and Yellow in the 2nd half.)
Extracted article from local press dated 19-5-2010 Gold Price Increase
Extracted article from local press dated 22-6-2010 Rising Renminbi
Extracted article from local press dated 11-4-2010 Oil Price Increase
Extracted article from local press dated 24-4-2010 Stagnated Property Prices
Original text:
Financial and Real Estate: Based on this year’s “立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi” this year and Singapore’s “八字Ba Zi” which is “乙庚化金Yi Geng Hua Jing (-Wood and +Metal combined to form Metal)”, hence “the Metal” element will feature extremely strong in the “五行Wu Xing (Five Elements or Phases)”. This will lead to extremely bullish outlook for the financial stocks, securities and futures in the first half of the year. Investors taking a wait and see position in the previous year will rush out in throes to capture investment opportunities. The emerging markets and commodities markets will be greatly sought after. In the area of Forex market,
an uptrend is predicted for Renminbi, weak performance for the US dollars and status quo for the Singapore dollars.
Gold prices will continue to climb in the 1st half of the year. Contrary to the escalation of performance in the previous year for the real estate sector, it is likely to dip in the New Year 2010. This is due to the fact that the Earth Element is the controlling factor in the “立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi”. (Trade correcting color – Yellow, Dark Brown, Apple Green and Light Brown). Hence, construction industry and “Earth Element” related trade performance will stagnate, and the New Year
does not present good real estate investment opportunity.
3rd Month 4th April 10 – 5th May 10 (庚辰) +Metal +Earth
Rising gold & crude oil prices.
5th Month 5th June 10 – 7th July 10 (壬午) +Water –Fire
Stagnation of real estate prices.
The complete predictions of Year 2010 in entirety using 3 Variables Before
Master Tan have specially selected the picture of a cable car and published it to XIN.SG (Media Corp interactive Media) for the announcement:
Extracted article from local press dated 15-11-2010
Extracted article from local press dated 15-11-2010
Extracted article from local press dated 15-11-2010
The complete predictions of Year 2010 in entirety using 3 Variables After
Cable Car: The Master Jason’s prediction on transport safety in this area came true when at 12.45pm on 14 Nov 2010; the cable car was stopped suddenly when lightning activated its sensors. Fortunately, there was no injury caused.
Original text:
National fortune: Due to the Singapore’s “八字Ba Zi” of the monthly column (甲申Jia-shen) double crack on beginning of spring [立春Li Chun] (戊寅Wu-Yin) monthly columns; “驿马Yu-Ma” will penetrate 2 districts. Hence the Marina South district in
south westerly region and Seng Kang- Ponggol districts in the north easterly region will encounter a surge in human traffic, resulting in a need to increase vigilance. Relevant authorities are encouraged to regulate the flow of human traffic between these 2 districts, especially the vessels entering the Marina South district. Security and order should be enforced to prevent gangsters from taking advantage of the situation. Motorists should pay attention while traveling
around these districts to avoid accidents. The citizens should heed the call of the authority, increase sense of vigilance and be psychological prepared in case of crisis. (Custom correcting color- Green)
Extracted article from local press dated 3-11-2010 North East Sector - Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 16-11-2010 North East Sector - Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 9-11-2010 South West Sector - Pukit Panjang Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 9-11-2010 South West Sector - Pukit Panjang Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 9-11-2010 South West Sector - Pukit Panjang Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 13-11-2010 North East Sector - Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 16-11-2010 North East Sector - Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 16-11-2010 South West Sector - Pukit Panjang Gangster
Extracted article from local press dated 9-11-2010 Focus on Gangsters in North East and South West Sectors!
Original text:
National fortune: Due to the Singapore’s “八字Ba Zi” of the monthly column (甲申Jia-shen) double crack on beginning of spring [立春Li Chun] (戊寅Wu-Yin) monthly columns; “驿马Yu-Ma” will penetrate 2 districts. Hence the
Marina South district in south westerly region and districts in the north easterly region will encounter a surge in human traffic, resulting in a need to increase vigilance. Relevant authorities are encouraged to regulate the flow of human traffic between these 2 districts, especially the vessels entering the Marina South district.
Security and order should be enforced to prevent gangsters from taking advantage of the situation. Motorists should pay attention while traveling around these districts to avoid accidents. The citizens should heed the call of the authority, increase sense of vigilance and be psychological prepared in case of crisis. (Custom correcting color- Green)
Additional Note:
Master Jason Tan noted in his publication on Xin Ming Daily on 23 January 2010 that …
Singapore’s 八字Ba Zi of the monthly column 甲申Jia-shen double crack on beginning of spring 立春Li Chun 戊寅Wu-Yin monthly columns; 驿马Yu-Ma will penetrate 2 districts, hence the Marina South district in south westerly region and districts in the north easterly region will encounter a surge in human traffic.
Extracted article from local press dated 16-11-2010 Rising Cost of living
Extracted article from local press dated 1-5-2010 Declining Unemployment Rate
Original text:
Social livelihood of People: For matters related to illnesses, people born in the year of the Tiger are likely to develop kidney complications (Correcting color – consume more black mushrooms), People with heart-related diseases must be very careful this year. (Correcting color – consume more red carrots). Everyone should pay more attention their health; increase their immunity against virus infection, particularly for the elderly people. Children should spend more time to take care of their parents.
Unemployment rate will decline,and
consumer index is predicted to rise.Due to the continual improvement in our standard of living, people are paying more attention to their wellness; selecting healthier food, especially better quality water.
10th Month (Winter) 7th Nov 10 – 7th Dec 10 (丁亥) -Wood +Water
Rising Cost of Living and Inflation Rate.
Extracted article from local press dated 4-7-2010 Economic Recovery
Extracted article from local press dated 1-8-2010 Saturated F& B Sector, Restaurants that did not innovate closed down
Original text:
Entertainment sector: The outlook for the entertainment sector will show sign of strong growth: early investors in the hospitality and tourism trades will finally see fruits of their investment.
With the opening of the Integrated resorts this year, this is likely to bring along with it an unimaginable great positive transformation, benefiting complementary trades and creating many other opportunities; hence, by standing firm with one’s current trade, profitability will increase with proper management.
With the competitive Food & Beverage sector moving towards a phase of saturation, continual innovation is compulsory to stay relevant; those who are not will be phased out gradually. Lounge and night clubs operators will continue to face troubles as the previous year due to “立春八字Li Chun Ba Zi” Water; Hence operators of this trade need to maintain the status quo and avoid risks of expansion. (Trade correcting colors- Black, Blue and Light Blue)
Collection of newspapers resources up to 16 November 2010.
PIC – Master Jason Tan, Extracted article from local press dated 23 Jan 2010
PIC – Master Jason Tan, Extracted article from local press dated 30 Jan 2010
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Here’s wishing each and everyone Good Health and Happiness in Year 2011!
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